Puerto13 is a new way to live the internet. Not only a website where to find information or to buy services and products but a real digital place to express your original ideas. We are at the beginning of this project and, with your contribution, month after month we hope to add always more pages and projects.
Why Pools?
The Web is the most democratic space in the world where it is possible to express our own opinions. We are not a research company so if you are interested in sharing your point of view with all the other readers, please "express yourself"!! In this page you will find only few of the polls contained in this site. If you are curious, please, do not hesitate to visit the Polls page!
In the Polls page you can find some (we hope) interesting polls about general and specific topics regarding hi-tech world. We have cataloged polls in three main groups: Os, Hi-tech Gadgets and News. For every group you will find some subgroups depending on the complexity of the topic.
Curabitur placerattristique leo. Suspendissemetus. Duis tempor. Morbirutrum maurisvitae turpis. Etiam venenatis. Nullam quis velit.Curabiturscelerisque, lacus eu rhoncus pulvinar, enim odio variusmauris, utsodales urna erat et dui. Sed purus erat, mattis quis,pharetravenenatis, sollicitudin in, sem. Curabitur aliquet, lorem quisaccumsanconvallis, tortor odio cursus ante, et aliquet magna risusatjusto.Pellentesque semper commodo massa. Etiam tempor laciniaante.Pellentesque quis libero.
OS News
Curabitur placerat tristique leo. Suspendisse metus. Duis tempor. Morbi rutrum mauris vitae turpis. Etiam venenatis. Nullam quis velit. Curabitur scelerisque, lacus eu rhoncus pulvinar, enim odio varius mauris, ut sodales urna erat et dui. Sed purus erat, mattis quis, pharetra venenatis, sollicitudin in, sem. Curabitur aliquet, lorem quis accumsan convallis, tortor odio cursus ante, et aliquet magna risus atjusto. Pellentesque semper commodo massa. Etiam tempor lacinia ante. Pellentesque quis libero.
Freeware Downloads for Windows!
- Firefox 2.1
- OpenOffice 2.3
- NVU 1.0
- MusikCube 1.0